Refund Policy


Customers can ask for a refund, within a month from the time of commencement of classes. If a customer wants to discontinue within a month, a refund will be given only if the student is having 80% attendance and has submitted all the assignments on time. We refund on a pro-rata basis means Swaadhi will pay only for the remaining classes. It is clarified that no refund will be processed for a refund request made after a month from the time of commencement of classes.

All our teachers are certified and are meeting international quality standards. A refund cannot be asked for on the grounds of the non-availability of the same teacher who took the demo. They shall be allocated according to slots and availability.

Refund can be requested for the below reasons:

1) Swaadhi was not able to provide teachers for 30 days.
2) A Separate curriculum is being taught, to what has been sent to you.
3) Assigned Teacher not taking planned sessions for a month.
4) Teacher using unprofessional language.

Steps to Initiate Refund

1) Customers first contact the operation manager to initiate the refund process.
2) Secondly customers are required to drop an email at with their customer id specifying the reason for discontinuation.

Time Duration

The Process will take a maximum of 60 business days.

Refund Charges

The charge deduction will be 20% of the total amount refunded as there are charges of the payment gateway and forex involved. This will be borne by the customer. Suppose the refund amount is $900 and the amount credited will be $720. Also this amount is liable to the currency exchange rate.

Late or missing Refunds

If a customer does not receive a refund within 60 business days, first re-check with your bank. If still not received, please contact us at


Questions about the Refund & Cancellations should be sent to us at

This Refund policy is effective from 27th June 2023 and shall continue to remain valid until it is specifically replaced/revoked by Swaadhi. Swaadhi has got the right to change/update the refund policy at any given time.

Last updated: 21/08/2023